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The Law of Attraction is based upon a simple premise…

whatever you think about – comes about.  Taken another step further: energy flows where attention goes, and thoughts become things. This is the core premise of the law of attraction which was popularized by the movie – The Secret. The Secret is no longer a secret. The law of attraction has been used by the ancient civilizations even though the way it was described and the names given to it were different. The Mayans, students of the Kabalah, the Essenes, the Vedas, Buddhists, and Yogis have all spoken about this law in different terms and examples during their times. The old adage – “Be careful about what you ask for because you might just get it” – is a result of this law. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the integration of the law of attraction and quantum physics.

You may have directly experienced the power of the law of attraction more than once during your week. For example, you may have accidentally run into a person or got a sudden phone call from a person whom you have been thinking about all day long. The majority of us have experienced this kind of situation countless times our through our day-to-day lives.  Additionally, if you are entirely focused on a project or working towards a goal that you are passionate about – you may automatically find the resources or the people to help you achieve the specific goal. The resources and people will appear out of the blue most of the time. Some people may have experienced the law of attraction operating in their lives when they are striving to meet a deadline. They will discover some way to finish the project before the deadline. This natural phenomenon happens since their minds are usually laser-focused during such deadline projects.


A Succinct Version Of The Law Of Attraction

1. Picture What You Want – This is the most critical step to get the law of attraction working for you. Your mind operates in images and feelings. Hence, words are not that powerful, in a vacuum,  towards setting and achieving your goals. That is why positive affirmations alone are not totally impactful. The right image and feelings should accompany any affirmation. You should use all of your senses when trying to make the law of attraction work in your life. Imagine your dream house, car, job, or whatever goal you want to achieve. Include all your senses in the picture. For example, you should see the image in vivid colors. Include other senses such as the smell, touch, sound, and your feelings. Feel the happiness you would usually feel when you achieve the goal. Make sure to turn your goal into a movie with color, smell, touch, and sound.

2. Ask For It – Once you create the image with all of your senses, you should leave it to God, Universe, or whatever name you call the higher power to bring the object to you in perfect time. Needing the object will only push it away from you. When you need something, it means that you don’t have it right now. You send the wrong signal to the Universe by lacking something. The more you need something, the more you push it away from you. The Universe will give you more opportunities to feel needing under such circumstances. That is why you should be cautious as not to need something when you want to achieve a goal or object. Instead, it would be best if you had the feeling of already owning the object. Just ask for it, visualize it using all your senses, and let it go. The Universe will give it to you at the right time – many experts call it divine timing.

3. Allow It – Many people don’t allow the object of their dreams to come to them. Allowing or receiving your goal is another skill that you should develop when you are practicing the law of attraction in your life. Don’t be attached to your goal. Attaching to your goal means you need it. When you need something, it means you are operating in a lack mentality. You will get more of lack when you have such a mindset. That is why it is essential to let go and let Universal Consciousness bring your goal to you in its timing. Make sure that you are in the present moment and act on whatever inspiration you get from the divine. The Universe will send you the right people, resources, and opportunities to manifest your dream goal. However, if you are not receptive to them, you will miss it all. These inspirations are so subtle that you may not catch them if your mind is busy with critical self-talk. That is the importance of reducing the internal chatter and being in the present moment. That way you can catch the subtle messages from the Universe and act on them so that you can achieve your goal in a timely manner. These are the three essential steps of achieving your goals using the law of attraction.


The Integration Of Quantum Physics And The Law Of Attraction

All our cells are composed of atoms. The latest research reveals that atoms are composed of 99% space. Energy fills this empty space. Our bodies and all other objects are energy particles that vibrate at specific frequencies. The higher the vibration, the higher the connection to Universal Consciousness…meaning that, in short, raising your vibration aligns your connection to Source Energy.

At an atomic level, energy and particles are entirely interchangeable. Hence, the possibilities are limitless. Whether one sees a particle or energy waves depends on the observer. If the observer believes that he/she sees waves, he or she will see waves. On the other hand, if the observer thinks that he/she sees particles, they will see particles. It is also possible for a particle to be in two places at the same time. We’ll save this topic for a much more in-depth conversation in the future. However, that means anything is possible in the Universe.

All of your goals can be easily achieved if you use the law of attraction with a positive, present alignment. Since you are pure energy, your vibration matters a great deal. If you want to achieve your goals, you should be vibrating at a positive or higher level such as being calm, relaxed, happy, and playful instead of being angry, frustrated, jealous, and cynical. It sounds quite simple, yet, managing moment-to-moment thoughts, has been quite a challenge for human beings.

The best time to set the law of attraction into motion is the first thing in the morning. While you have slept, any negative thought momentum has stopped, and you’ll be in a great position to start positive thought inertia. So start each day off by recognizing as many people, places and things in your life that you are grateful for. And let the law of attraction take over from there, bringing you vibrational matches to even more abundance.